Professor Buehler in Ottawa

Bringing in Speakers is a Two Way Street

October 29, 2012 Hansonthebike 1

Reading Time: 6 minutesI just received an email from Professor Buehler: “Thanks for the hospitality; I really enjoyed my stay and learned a lot”. – Ralph Buehler. It has been two weeks already since we waved goodbye to Professor Ralph Buehler, who spoke at the AGM of Citizens for Safe Cycling. We purposely planned the AGM in the Indian Summer, as we like to show off our city as a great cycling destination. If we wait longer, the city starts to look dreary and the impressions that our speakers take back are not all that great. Indian Summer So October it was. Ralph [Read more…]

View of Queens St, Ottawa Danielle Nacu

First Annual Danielle Naçu Community Bike Ride

October 5, 2012 Hansonthebike 1

Reading Time: 6 minutesOttawa is a very safe place to cycle. But sometimes things go wrong. Terribly wrong. People die. Traffic deaths declining About 20 years ago, Canada counted 3963 fatal traffic accidents, in 2009 it dropped to 2209. That is still 6 people every day, or one every four hours. Day after day, week after week. In 2005, 53 cyclists died on Canada’s roads, in 2006 (73) , 2007 (65) in 2008 (42) and in 2009 (41). There appears to be a downwards trend, and I am hoping that -considering the increase in cycling popularity- there are also relatively less and less [Read more…]