Place Vanier is struggling with bike theft. The bikes are parked outside and individual attempts to get the manager to make more space for cyclists inside have not resulted in anything positive. Some individuals are now joining forces in a working group to get the management to pay more attention to the fact that it is already 2011. A prime locations for cyclists, on the Rideau River with its wonderful paths, Place Vanier management is not pulling its weight. The only inside parking is a miserable ten bike wheel bender bike rack under the stairs, with barely any space to stand up.
This week is Environment Week (did anyone notice?) and the cylists group at Place Vanier organised a lunch time tune up for cyclists in the building. As you can see, there is even a line up. If you are working at Place Vanier, join the group. Joining forces usually does help sway the opinion. You can also read more on Sharepoint (internal content).
Also, you can follow the activities by joining the Facebook group of Place Vanier Cyclist(e)s. Below, two pictures I took today when I arrived to join the environment booth in the lobby of tower B.

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