Un Peu de Paris au Marché Parkdale

You've got to dream big to make Parkdale look like a French square, but why not?
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Dan Quayle would approve of the sign......

It has been a really nice autumn in Ottawa, and last fin de la semaine (Michael: that translates to ‘weekend’) was no exception. Sunny crisp weather, temperatures I wished we could have throughout the winter. It makes cycling so much more pleasant. Often we take the bicycle to Parkdale Market. It is one of those succesfully revitilised places, where an open air market, a park with a wade pool and a small stage make the area feel welcoming. It is also cycling and pedestrian friendly.

There is a plan to build an enormous high rise at the north end, where the one story art gallery is located, but I cannot imagine that would ever happen as it would completely ruin the village within a city concept. It will take sun light away, make the place windier and unattractive. Although I support intensification of the city, Parkdale Market should not have a 20 story tower right at the edge. I can see a six story building, with the four top stories a wee set back, with small terraces at the bottom – that side would be south facing- and terraces could be open well into November.

You've got to dream big to make Parkdale Market look French, but why not? Note that all chairs face the sidewalk for people watching: 12 chairs, 4 tables and 1 purple awning do the trick. And two black boards. And no silly fence.

With a bit rich fantasy, Parkdale Market has the potential to become a bit of Paris in Ottawa and it shouldn’t be spoiled by buildings, sticking out like a sore thumb. Here are a few pictures from October 23.

Don't squash the Parkdale Market!
Nothing beats a real pumpkin

Local produce is somewhat relative, but Mountain, ON is just east of Kemptville, south of Ottawa.
Ahhhh, do I smell French onion soup already?

"Le canard qui rit

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  1. WJM just curious…do you work for a developer? There doesn’t seem to be a proposal that you ever find the least bit of fault in. Have you ever heard the expression “open air market”? It’s not just about being outside. People actually like shopping for vegetables and such in the open air…in the sun. This height would be completely out of place here. Of course, you are also conveniently forgetting the amount of traffic that comes out of a 20 story building. How would the market area handle that? Lastly, Ottawa people need to be engaged in how their neighbourhoods are shaped. They, and not the developers, should have the say in this.

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