Ottawa’s Second Annual Winter Bike Ride in Perfect Conditions

January 29, 2013 Hansonthebike 2

Reading Time: 5 minutesIf you mention winter cycling, one tends to think of bearded middle aged men, who’s mission it is to prove that one can live without a car in Ottawa under any circumstance, come hell or high water, or in this case, high snow. Ottawa, for those who are not from here but perhaps from a more tropical place like Toronto, is the second coldest capital in the world, leaving to Ulanbatar the first place. Which means we have to put up with fairly chilly conditions. Temperatures can go as low as -30C and to -40C if you take the wind [Read more…]

Will Sparks Street Open Up to Cycling?

January 18, 2013 Hansonthebike 9

Reading Time: 6 minutesOttawa’s Sparks street tweeted a link to a survey earlier this week. “We’d like your help to improve your Sparks Street experience. Survey closes Jan 21st.  #ottnews #sparksstreet #ottawa” You will likely have noticed that the Sparks Street BIA has put executive director Les GagnĂ© in charge of promoting the street, once the street of streets. I noticed a few cosmetic changes over the last few months and you will remember the New Year’s Eve celebration in Sparks Street. There were many people out to listen to several bands. (Tim Horton’s on Sparks was attracting a huge crowd too). [Read more…]

Ottawa’s Cargo Bike Scene

January 3, 2013 Hansonthebike 4

Reading Time: 3 minutesFrom what I know, there are about six, seven bakfietsen (cargo bikes) in Ottawa. It is not much, but that’s changing. The first one that comes to mind is Lana’s, who blogs extensively about her bakfiets adventures. Ottawa cargo bikes Another one is Joel Mulligan’s bakfiets. Joel now works in Denmark, but left his white Bullitt behind at Tall Tree Cycles. Then there is courier Gary Watson on his orange Bullitt, who you often see down town. And then there is an Old Ottawa South architect John Donkin, who owns a bakfiets (which I borrowed for a show, see further [Read more…]