Citizens for Safe Cycling AGM 2013 recap

Former Secretary Nancy, with husband Dave (those are nnot his P.J.'s) and Peter, who keeps an eye on the MacDonald Cartier bridge bike lanes from his office at Foreign Affairs (and Trade), (and Development).
Reading Time: 5 minutes
Baby Nico with father Andrew and mother (and board member) Schuyler.
Baby Nico with father Andrew and mother (and board member) Schuyler.

We aim to be the least boring AGM in Ottawa and according to several members we are successful in that. Organising the AGM starts already a year in advance, by securing the Tom Brown arena. In spring we start to discuss a speaker and in the summer we put the to do list together, analyse improvements (not enough coffee) and we start to prepare the financial reports. As a non profit incorporated organisation, lots of work happens behind the scenes to make sure that everything is accounted for.  The trick is to keep things simple and standardised in order to maintain continuity.

Key note speaker Sarah Craigh trying out a Rightbike, Ottawa's community bike share tha tis expanding.
Key note speaker Sarah Craig trying out a Rightbike, Ottawa’s community bike share that is expanding.

At the day itself, we start at 4 pm to put the chairs and tables out, have the catering delivered and set up the A/V. We always keep our fingers crossed for the arena’s wireless microphone, which tends to drop its signal once in a while.

This year, around 90-100 people came out to listen to Sarah Craig, our keynote speaker from Halifax’s I heart bikes. Paul Dewar mentioned in his opening talk that Ottawa’s cycling progress starts to get noticed outside Ottawa and Risa gave an overview of Citizens for Safe Cycling’s activities this year, both public and behind the scenes. Two new board members were acclaimed (no need to vote): Isabel and Kathleen.  While four years ago, the board consisted of 8 men and 1 woman, the board now consists of 3 men and 6 women, a big change.

I Heart Bikes' Sarah presenting at Citizens for Safe Cycling's AGM.
I Heart Bikes’ Sarah presenting at Citizens for Safe Cycling’s AGM.

In our keynote choice, we want to steer away from the infrastructure discussion as there is more than bike infrastructure that makes a city bike friendly. Instead, we have looked into social media and cycling two years ago and this year we looked into bike rental business run by Sarah, owner of IHeartBikes in Halifax.

A large and important part of our event is socialising. People love to catch up with friends and politicians such as city councillors, MP’s and city staff. A strong bike community is important for cyclists but also for the city’s staff to turn to for questions and support.

Here are a few impressions of the evening. En passant, we signed up seven new members at the door!

A room full of people at Citizens for Safe Cycling's AGM on October 7, 2013
A room full of people at Citizens for Safe Cycling’s AGM on October 7, 2013
NDP member of Parliament for Ottawa Centre and Foreign Affairs critic Paul Dewar talking with city planner Zlatko Krstulic, one of the people behind the 2013 Ottawa Cycling Plan and the driving force behind the bike counters in Ottawa.
NDP Member of Parliament for Ottawa Centre and Foreign Affairs critic Paul Dewar talking with city planner Zlatko Krstulic, one of the people behind the 2013 Ottawa Cycling Plan and the driving force behind the bike counters in Ottawa.
There were a number of related organisations such as Envirocentre, with which CfSC works often closely together.
There were a number of related organisations such as Envirocentre, with which CfSC works closely together.
Treasurer Lorne, studying for paralegal and membership director Simone, who expect another baby early next year.
Treasurer Lorne, studying for paralegal and membership director Simone, who expects another baby early next year.
Othesha was with us once again and shared a table with Tubed Jewellery.
Otesha was with us once again and shared a table with Tubed Jewellery.
Newly elected treasurer Isabel attended a number of meetings already and is impressed with all the work needed to make even a small change in our city.
Newly elected secretary Isabel attended a number of meetings already and is impressed with all the work needed to make even a small change in our city.
Grey is the color for this season! Lissa from the always supportive Ottawa Citizen is live blogging from the event. Left, board member Jess and right (standing) board member Risa.
Grey is the color for this season! Liisa from the always supportive Ottawa Citizen is live blogging from the event. Left, board member Jess and right (standing) board member Risa.
Former Secretary Nancy, with husband Dave (those are nnot his P.J.'s) and Peter, who keeps an eye on the MacDonald Cartier bridge bike lanes from his office at Foreign Affairs (and Trade), (and Development).
More grey: former Secretary Nancy, with husband Dave (those are not his P.J.’s) and Peter, who keeps an eye on the MacDonald Cartier bridge bike lanes from his office at Foreign Affairs (and Trade), (and Development).
Ottawa's community bike share Rightbike was available as well. Behind the table in the front is Tais.
Ottawa’s community bike share Rightbike was available as well. Behind the table in the front is Tais.
Newly elected board member Kathleen  will likely take over the newsletter production.
Newly elected board member Kathleen will likely take over the newsletter production.
At the actual 'members only' AGM, Wallace Beaton from Green communities Canada presented where the funds of the Bruce Timmermans fund were spent on (bike training and bike education kits, stored at Rightbike and Vanier Community Centre)
At the actual ‘members only’ AGM, Wallace Beaton from Green Communities Canada presented what the Bruce Timmermans fund were spent on (bike training and bike education kits, stored at Rightbike and Vanier Community Centre).
Bike parking at the Tom Brown arena is never sufficient (note the bike parked at the tree in the background).
Bike parking at the Tom Brown arena is never sufficient (note the bike parked at the tree in the background).
Our president, Hans, with Sarah in front of the new CfSC banner. Hans took two days off to show Sarah Ottawa's bicycle culture, from bike boxes and bike bridges to Rightbike and Rent-a-bike.
Our president, Hans, with Sarah in front of the new CfSC banner. Hans took two days off to show Sarah Ottawa’s bicycle culture, from bike boxes and bike bridges to Rightbike and Rent-a-bike. No wonder she is smiling!

Most photos by Paul Clarke, except Otesha and Paul Dewar pictures.

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1 Comment

  1. Way to go everyone! Thank you for being there Dan.

    Jessica Sheridan, Community Sustainability Programs Assistant 613-656-0100 ext 104
    enviroboutique 366 Rideau Street, Ottawa ON, K1N 5Y8
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