The front page of the 2014 Citizens for Safe Cycling Report shows the beautiful new Multi Use Pathway along the Rockcliffe Parkway.

2014 Ottawa Report on Bicycling

March 24, 2014 Hansonthebike 0

Reading Time: < 1 minute (This should be on the website of Citizens for Safe Cycling, but for some reason, despite it being small enough, the server refuses the file, even though we host more PDF files on the website.  I will host the report here for now, and once I figured out the technical issues, I ‘ll put in on the website too.) This is the third time we put the report together and we had more volunteers than ever involved. That is great news, as it is a lot of work. The report takes about four months to complete. As Schuyler and her [Read more…]

2014 Spring.Bike.Ottawa: "Understanding the Ottawa Cycling Budget" and much more.

March 19, 2014 Hansonthebike 0

Reading Time: 3 minutes On March 22 we are holding our third Spring.Bike.Ottawa event. The purpose is to get updates on local cycling. It turns out to be an event that is appreciated. We started the event because we felt no one had a good overview of all the bike initiatives going on in Ottawa. And there are a lot. There are many people working on cycling in Ottawa, often in the background. They are doing great things with little or no money. Spring.Bike.Ottawa brings those (mostly) volunteers together. We hold the event early in the year, to make people aware that cycling is [Read more…]

Bill 173: Amending the Highway Traffic Act for Cycling

March 18, 2014 Hansonthebike 0

Reading Time: 6 minutes Did you ever read Ontario’s Highway Traffic Act? I have to admit I have never gone through it with a dust comb, but I do flip through it once in a while. One of the oddities I found is that you don’t have to have a rear light (as I read it). Currently, you need to have a reflector or a red light. Indeed, you don’t need to have a rear light. Bill 173 is repairing a number of issues that society had already more or less accepted. Flashing Rear Lights Bill 173 is going to change that light issue. Or [Read more…]