It's Bike to Work Month

A recumbent, a Paramedic and an Xtracycle. This is Ottawa in winter nowadays.....
A recumbent, a Paramedic and an Xtracycle. This is Ottawa in winter nowadays.....Photo credit: Paul Clarke
Reading Time: 2 minutes

BiketoWork week

It’s May which means Bike to Work Month is here!

Well, for me it it’s bike to work month about 9-10 months a year, so it is not that special, but I can understand that others like to wait until May. Sometimes, when I bike across the Experimental Farm into a cold east wind, I wonder why I didn’t take the bus. But then I have to leave home earlier, walk 10 minutes into the wind anyway and wait at a crappy bus stop. Plus, arriving fresh at work  counts for something too.

It is getting a lot warmer this week though. No more sub zero temperatures and some sunny and dry days.

Bike to Work Month is an Ottawa EnviroCentre initiative that celebrates commuter cyclists and gives you a chance to win great prizes.  Last year, there were over 2,500 participants who cycled the equivalent of seven times around the planet! Currently the counter sits at nearly 1100 so there a bit of a way to go still.

This year, local businesses have donated over $10,000 in prizes to get folks rolling!  (But you don’t cycle for the prizes, right?). With the support of their core partner: the City of Ottawa, along with other great community leaders and organizations, EnviroCentre is working toward getting more people to try commuting by bike!

Whether you are a seasoned cyclist or brand new to biking; participation is free, fun and easy:

Join the campaign at:

If you need more information, have questions, or want a copy of the Bike to Work Month Workplace Handbook, the BiketoWork team can be reached at:

Bike to Work Team
613-656-0100 ext. 120

And what the heck, I am adding my other rides in too.

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  1. We attended a bike to work party in our district (in Portland Oregon) last Friday. It was fun hearing about the routes and gear others used. Ottawa, though, wow!!

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