Sign Feld on Fairmont

A collage of 8 photos of traffic signs on Fairmont on a 150 meter strip
A collage of Fairmont signs
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Signs are a never ending form of entertainment. My cycling route to Hintonburg follows the Experimental Farm, crossing 6 lanes of Carling into Irving (with a light soooo slow, even pedestrians walk through red), into Sherwood and then down Fairmont Ave.

Aerial view of Fairmont Park
Aerial view of Fairmont Park
It appears that every month I pass Fairmont another sign pops up in an already busy field of signs along the park. Let’s take a look what is there along a 150 meter stretch:

Traffic sign on Fairmont

Traffic sign on Fairmont

Traffic sign on Fairmont

Traffic sign on Fairmont

Traffic sign on Fairmont

Traffic sign on Fairmont

Traffic sign on Fairmont

Traffic sign on Fairmont

Traffic sign on Fairmont

Traffic sign on Fairmont

I wonder if all signs were removed, people would behave fundamentally different. I think they wouldn’t. I wrote about signs before in a more extensive post.

Remember those ‘Doors of Florence’ posters from your back packing travels to Italy? I am contemplating a ‘Signs of Fairmont’ poster. It may not sell well though.

Poster Fairmont signs

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