Tuning up Place Vanier

Reading Time: 2 minutes Place Vanier is struggling with bike theft. The bikes are parked outside and individual attempts to get the manager to make more space for cyclists inside have not resulted in anything positive. Some individuals are now joining forces in a working group to get the management to pay more attention to the fact that it is already 2011. A prime locations for cyclists, on the Rideau River with its wonderful paths, Place Vanier management is not pulling its weight. The only inside parking is a miserable ten bike wheel bender bike rack under the stairs, with barely any space to [Read more…]

Capital Velo Fest Ottawa a Relaxed Affair

Reading Time: 3 minutes Today was a gorgeous day for Capital Velo Fest, the first bicycle festival in Ottawa. The weather was cooperating, the 60% change of showers never came and the twenty or so booths of companies and organisations like Envirocentre, Citizens for Safe Cycling and the Ottawa Bicycle Club attracted enough people to make it a nice social outing. Although most visitors were cyclists already, there was new stuff to see for them too. Especially the two cargo bikes, brought in by Tall Tree Bicycles, attracted a lot of attention, as did the recumbent bikes of Ergo Cycles in Ottawa. Everyone agreed [Read more…]

Successful Hintonburg Kids Ride

Reading Time: 2 minutes There is hope. A new generation of cyclists is taking to the roads. Kathleen Wilker organised a kids ride on May 28th from the Hintonburg Community Centre to the Parkdale Market and Arts Fair. Despite a somewhat gray morning, a few dozen kids and their parents came out for the ride of less than one kilometer. Kathleen gets it. No need for grants, no large advertising campaigns, just roll up the sleeves and organise a neighbourhood event. A very simple ride for the kids and T-shirts for the best decorated bikes made this a nice community event that doesn’t cost [Read more…]

cars on bike lane in Ottawa

Cars in bike lanes at Dow’s Lake

Reading Time: < 1 minute . A few weeks ago, during the Tulip Festival or so, lots of cars where leaving the parking at Dow’s Lake. Rather than waiting, many of them used the bike lane to pass the left turning lane. When I pulled out my camera, they stopped doing it but I bet these are the same people who complain that bikes cycle on sidewalks. In autumn and spring, when traffic is busy, it happens all the time. Just before I took this picture I actually saw a girl sandwiched between two cars on the bike lane, as car-cyclist-car. Truly unbelievable.