Reading Time: 6minutesOttawa’s Sparks street tweeted a link to a survey earlier this week. “We’d like your help to improve your Sparks Street experience. Survey closes Jan 21st. #ottnews #sparksstreet #ottawa” You will likely have noticed that the Sparks Street BIA has put executive director Les Gagné in charge of promoting the street, once the street of streets. I noticed a few cosmetic changes over the last few months and you will remember the New Year’s Eve celebration in Sparks Street. There were many people out to listen to several bands. (Tim Horton’s on Sparks was attracting a huge crowd too). [Read more…]
Reading Time: 2minutesAt Carleton University Colum Grove-White and Tamara Nahal and others got involved in cycling safety on and around campus after the death of Krista Johnston on Bronson Ave. After a first successful initial petition to request better safety around campus, that gathered nearly 2000 signatures, the group is now organising themselves for the next step, by building a team that carries the torch. The nature of a university is such that eventually students move on to Macdonalds their job of choice, much to the relieve of their parents, so the Graduates would like your help. Here is a press release: Are you interested [Read more…]
Reading Time: 7minutesLast week, about 30 people participated in the Kickstand Sessions, a two day training work shop for those who are involved in urban design, urban planning, advocacy and government to learn how to implement cycling strategies in the urban environment. It was an eclectic mix of members of the public, city staff, staff from engineering firms, health professionals, a city councillor from Welland (Niagara region) and cycling advocates. “Everyone has a right to come home” – Johan Diepens – Mobycon The day kicked off with introductions by Danish Copenhagenize and Dutch Mobycon, the two companies organising the sessions. Earlier last [Read more…]
Reading Time: 6minutesSometimes things just come together. This spring Safer Roads Ottawa approached Citizens for Safe Cycling to explore options to cooperate. Rob Wilkinson, the Safer Roads Ottawa coordinator, turned out to be the one we really needed to move CfSC forward. With a volunteer board of 9, no staff, volunteers and really not much time, we are really stretched with our organisation. There are lots of ideas, but not enough time to coordinate and execute. Daylight Saving Time ended Rob was able to share a lot of expertise with us, especially how to bring different parties together: he has an extensive [Read more…]
Reading Time: 5minutesIt takes quite a bit to surprise me, but this morning on November 3rd at 11 am and only 3° Celsius (37°F) outside, I was taken aback by the large amount of cyclists gathering at Suzie Q Donuts on Wellington Street West. That is where the First Ottawa Plaid Parade started, yet another bike initiative that injects a bit more fun into Ottawa and nudging Ottawa forward to become a leading North American bicycle city. Usually, I am not so sure about cycling in a circle with a group through town, but I am slowly starting to enjoy these type [Read more…]
Reading Time: 6minutesOttawa is a very safe place to cycle. But sometimes things go wrong. Terribly wrong. People die. Traffic deaths declining About 20 years ago, Canada counted 3963 fatal traffic accidents, in 2009 it dropped to 2209. That is still 6 people every day, or one every four hours. Day after day, week after week. In 2005, 53 cyclists died on Canada’s roads, in 2006 (73) , 2007 (65) in 2008 (42) and in 2009 (41). There appears to be a downwards trend, and I am hoping that -considering the increase in cycling popularity- there are also relatively less and less [Read more…]
Reading Time: 6minutesChecking out community gardens on excellent bike tour by Just Food Ottawa I never knew so many cyclists would be interested in food and community gardens. Gardening, food and cycling, three of my long term favourites. Last Sunday, after a failed attempt a year before, I finally made it to the Just Food community garden tour. “Just Food’s mission is to work towards a vibrant, just and sustainable food system in the Ottawa region. Just Food is a grassroots, non-profit organization that includes staff, volunteers, community partners, members and funders“, says their website. Both my grandfathers in Holland grew vegetables [Read more…]