Capital Velo Fest 2012 Fashion Show “A Model Event”

A game of bike polo in front of city Hall in Ottawa
Reading Time: 5 minutes
All Ottawa’s Velo Vogue Fashion show models together at the ‘Rink of Dreams’. Picture Catherine Henry – Ottawa

Last year in 2011, we had our first Capital Velo Fest at the front lawn of City Hall, better known as Marion Dewar Plaza. Ms. Dewar was a former mayor of Ottawa and mother of current MP for Ottawa Centre, Paul Dewar. The sun was out most of the day and hundreds of people dropped by. At the second edition of Velo Fest, the weather was unfortunately not very cooperative. This has obviously an effect on the numbers, as most of the day it was very quiet. There were a number of bike retailers, the MS Society, Envirocentre, Ottawa Bicycle Club, Citizens for Safe Cycling to name a few. Like last year, you could watch bike polo, which looked more like waterpolo. The field was great though, being the floor of the Ice Rink (sans ice) aka the wet ‘Rink of Dreams’. And yes, I was thinking of that same play on words.

A game of bike polo in front of city Hall in Ottawa.
Brian Hum and Stephanie Desjardins raising awareness for the MS Society’s annual MS bike tour to Cornwall. The bike tour (not a race) raised nearly half a million dollars last year.

In the early afternoon, I received the Bruce Timmermans award from the City of Ottawa, for my work to promote cycling in Ottawa (like this blog). Apparently, people consider me modest. I am sure my mother would disagree with that. But anyway, it is very much appreciated that people notice the many hours myself and the board of Citizens for Safe Cycling put into promoting cycling in the city. I am now officially an “exemplary citizen of the City of Ottawa who proactively and publicly promotes cycling as a viable, environmentally friendly mode of transportation.

Bruce Timmermans Award winner Hans Moor surrounded by his fans: from left to right:MP Paul Dewar, Dr. Isra Levy, Medical Officer of Health, City councillor David Chernushenko, with flowers the happy award winner, Dalhousie Community Association President and Road and Cycling Advisory Committee chair (an) Michael Powell and at the far right, City councillor Matthieu Fleury.

Of course, a middle aged man is not too interesting to watch, so fortunately the organisation planned the Velo Vogue fashion show right after the award event to make sure that I had an audience for my speech. One could certainly speak about a large “Bike Model Share” Saturday afternoon.

Natasha from Models International Management wearing clothes from Viens Avec Moi Boutique , necklace by Frash, bike – Bobbin Birdie in Yellow from TallTree Cycles.
Hailey from Models International Management wearing clothes from Viens Avec Moi Boutique riding a Globe daily step thru from Tall Tree Cycles and bag by 3rdLife.
Mandi Lunan from Auntie Loo’s Bakery wearing clothes from Victoire, props from Victoire, Kona Mixte from Tall Tree Cycles
Lindsey from Angie’s Models wearing clothes from Kania Couture. Bern Helmet from Tall Tree Cycles
Kerry-Ann Taylor wearing a dress and purse from Flock Boutique which is located in Wellington West. Red bike from Tall Tree Cycles in Westboro
Clare wearing a multi-coloured dress by Catherine Henry – a designer from Montreal. Light blue bike from Joe Mamma’s in the Glebe
“Pedal Posh”, Elizabeth Allingham’s brand new adventure as an independent retailer. She is ready to take on Target. Great bike accessories, locally made (as in: Ottawa)

Clare from Models International Management wearing clothes from Montreal designer Catherine Henry, Bobbin Birdie bike in light blue from Joe Mamma’s.
Marissa Aitken wearing a dress from PomPom in the Glebe. Bicycle from Tall Tree Cycles in Westboro

There were actually a lot more models, but I started filming and then realised I wouldn’t have any pictures for this blog to post. As that would have been a waste, I switched over to photography half way. Taking pics of models is actually a bit of a challenge, as they’re constantly swirling and moving, so getting a good shot wasn’t easy. Add to that my 150 dollar camera with slow shutter speed and ditto refresh time and you can image why I only post eight out of the 30 or so.

It was good fun, and I hope this Velo Vogue is going to be an annual event that will certainly grow. To close it off, a picture of the Envirocentre’s booth with new brochures on Dooring, Sharrows and the Bike Box, the latter one will soon appear at the intersection where Bay meets Wellington.

Envirocentre promoting new bike brochures and handing out free Mango juice from Camino, an Ottawa based coop that sells Fair Trade chocolate and juice across Canada.

There was a Tour Le Nuit that same night, but we decided to go home as we were a bit ‘biked out’ for the day.

See also the blog about Capital Velo Fest 2011 with more pictures.

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