Visiting Washington: a Few Quick Pics of Cycling near the White House

Bike taxis even fit in there.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Today is 4th of July. A good day to share with you a few pictures  I took in Washington, DC two weeks ago, when I was there for a work related training. There are tons of websites and blogs out to read up on all the good bicycle initiatives happening down there so I am not going to repeat them.

We were last in Washington in 2008 and I don’t recall seeing many cyclists there, at least not enough that I would notice the numbers. It has definitely changed. There is a bike lane right next to the White House. There are bike lanes in mediums  (media?) , a bike share program, bike parking at the subway stations, cargo bike for deliveries in town and funky bike racks. While the city wasn’t flooded with bikes, it was nice to see the changes too. Who would have thunk that you can cycle around the White House?

Last time we cycled the Capital Crescent Way. There was no time to cycle this time, so I took a few pics in the downtown area instead.

Admiring the White House from a Bike share bike. Friendly cops galore.
Admiring the White House from a Bike share bike in a car free public space. Friendly cops galore.
Along the White House property a bi-directional bike lane which is also for easy passing of slow pokes.
Along the White House property a bi-directional bike lane which is also for easy passing of slow pokes.
Bike taxis even fit in there.
Bike taxis even fit in there. Always have to get used to reading from bottom to top. I still read “Ped for Stop”
An interesting solution that probably would never fly in Ottawa. But it appears to work.
An interesting solution that probably would never fly in Ottawa. But it appears to work.
Cargo bikes at PJ Clarke's  in Washington.
Cargo bikes at PJ Clarke’s in Washington.
Happy bike near Dupont circle area
Happy bike near Dupont circle area
Another delivery bike
Another delivery bike
Men's washroom guys humour
Men’s washroom guys humour
Neat bike racks
Neat bike racks
This approaches the ideal winter bike for me: light storage,  worry free chain, internal hub, disc brakes. The stand is a double one and folds out very neatly to an upside down V.
This approaches the ideal winter bike for me: light storage, worry free chain, internal hub, disc brakes, reflective tires. The stand is a double one and folds out very neatly to an upside down V.
Another infra picture: the lane starts as a bike lane behind the white arrow, then cyclists merge to the right to the green block markings, the start of a bike lane and the left lane turns into a left turning lane for cars. Not sure if that is a great solution, but...
Another infra picture: the lane starts as a bike lane behind the white arrow, then cyclists merge to the right to the green block markings, the start of a bike lane and the left lane turns into a left turning lane for cars. Not sure if that is a great solution, but… all seems to work out, with a large bike boxe at the front of all lanes. The plastic bollard might slow drivers down I guess. all seems to work out, with a large bike box at the front of all lanes. The plastic bollards might slow drivers down I guess.
We saw a few way finders to.
We saw a few way finders too.
Lots of bikes at the Subway stations, something I don't remember from my lat visit either. I visualise bike parking like these set ups at our Ottawa LRT stations too.
Lots of bikes at the subway stations, something I don’t remember from my last visit either. I visualise bike parking like these set ups at our Ottawa LRT stations too.

Did you see any ideas that we could apply to Ottawa’s situations?

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