Ottawa's 2013 Annual Plaid Parade Recap (with pics)

Cool hats.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Despite a cool Sunday (5C or 41F), about 150 people or so came out to cycle in the second annual Ottawa Plaid Parade. This year we started at the City Centre’s Art-is-in Bakery. Not a great back drop for photography, but lots of space to get together before the start.

The tour followed the O-train pathway, connected with the Ottawa River Pathway and then turned south near the stacked stones in the Ottawa River. We then  made our way back through Tunney’s Pasture and then turned east towards the Carleton Tavern on Parkdale. The ride ended a bit abrupt on a street corner, leaving some people confused, not realising that the pub was around the corner.

I saw tons of people taking pictures so eventually I will add some links to other sites too and to the clip that is no doubt coming eventually. Enjoy!

Michael and Dick
Michael and Dick
2013 Ottawa Plaid Parade
2013 Ottawa Plaid Parade
2013 Ottawa Plaid Parade
2013 Ottawa Plaid Parade
2013 Ottawa Plaid Parade
2013 Ottawa Plaid Parade
Alex DeVries (part 1) who complained recently there were a thousand pictures taken last year, and he didn't appear in one.
Alex DeVries (part 1) who complained recently that there were a thousand pictures taken last year, and he didn’t appear in one.
Zara, who organised the Plaid Parade also goes by @velovogueottawa and VG Ina in the video music scene. Here she is preparing filming for  her 2013 Plaid Video for Vimeo.
Zara, who organised the Plaid Parade also goes by @velovogueottawa and VJ Ina in the video music scene. Here she is filming for her 2013 Plaid Video.
Catherine Henry (not the designer from Montreal) who works at the Hill and is involved in
Catherine Henry (not the designer from Montreal) who works at the Hill and is involved in
Gathering at Art-is-in-Bakery at City Centre.
Gathering at Art-is-in-Bakery at City Centre.
If you know who people are in the pics, let me know and I'll ad the names.
If you know who people are in the pics, let me know and I’ll ad the names.
Citizens for Safe Cycling board member Simone's son.
Citizens for Safe Cycling board member Simone’s son.
I think he has more beard than last year even.
I think he has more beard than last year even.
Funds raised went to Rightbike Ottawa, a community bike share that is growing year over year.
Funds raised went to Rightbike Ottawa, a community bike share that is growing year over year.
The Plaid Parade is becoming the Canadian equivalent of the  Royal Ascot.
The Ottawa Plaid Parade is becoming the Canadian equivalent of the Royal Ascot.
What a great idea to have a hat over your helmet.
What a great idea to have a tam over your helmet.
2013 Ottawa Plaid Parade
2013 Ottawa Plaid Parade
2013 Ottawa Plaid Parade
2013 Ottawa Plaid Parade
2013 Ottawa Plaid Parade
2013 Ottawa Plaid Parade
2013 Ottawa Plaid Parade
2013 Ottawa Plaid Parade
And off we go.....
And off we go…..
I see these child seats more and more. They look a lot easier than the complicated ones on the back, plus you actually get to see the little one.
I see these child seats more and more. They look a lot easier than the complicated ones on the back, plus you actually get to see the little one.
The turn out was around 150 I estimate. Not bad for a temperatures just above the freezing point. Did someone count?
The turn out was around 150 I estimate. Not bad for a temperatures just above the freezing point. Did someone count?
Alex DeVries (part 2) aka @alexthepuffin
Alex DeVries (part 2) aka @alexthepuffin
Cool hats.
Cool Tam O’ Shanters.
Cycling along the Ottawa River.
Cycling along the Ottawa River.
Lana (aka @modalmom) with her husband and little Alden in the 'bakfiets'.
Lana (aka @modalmom) with her husband and little Alden in the ‘bakfiets’.
"I can cycle with my eyes closed"
“I can cycle with my eyes closed”
Alex DeVries (part 3) and Sarah, who is promoting a bike friendly environment in Vanier.
Alex DeVries (part 3) and Sarah, who is promoting a bike friendly environment in Vanier.
The sun is finally coming out. What a difference for the picture colours.
The sun is finally coming out. What a difference for the picture colours.
2013 Ottawa Plaid Parade
2013 Ottawa Plaid Parade
I think this is Heather in the Plaid Parade equivalent of the yellow jersey.
I think this is Heather in the Plaid Parade equivalent of the yellow jersey.
Eric, aka @auxonic takes a day of from Drupal coding.
Eric, aka @auxonic takes a day off from Drupal coding.
This bike was built by the same builder of the bike taxi in Bells Corners.
This bike was built by the same builder of the bike taxi in Bells Corners.
Maaike is pushing her ginormous 'bakfiets' up the side walk after a bit of an abrupt 'je ne sais quoi' end of the ride at the corner of Spencer and Parkdale.
Maaike is pushing her ginormous ‘bakfiets’ up the side walk after a bit of an abrupt ‘je ne sais quoi’ end of the ride at the corner of Spencer and Parkdale.
Karen and Simone looking happy after the ride.
Karen and Simone looking happy after the ride.

And here are the pics of the 2012 Ottawa Plaid Parade

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  1. Ottawa’s 2013 Annual Plaid Parade recap (with pics) | Sandy Hill Seen
  2. Bells Corners plaid | bellscorners

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