In Quebec province a new law aims to make cycling safer. More reflectors on your bike, cycling with prudence on cross walks, no more demerit points for cyclists, no more signalling of an intention to stop for cyclists, hands on the bar override signalling when needed. Read more about the details here: some good and some questionable regulations.
July 2, 2018 UPDATE from Steve Truttmann:
Out cycling on the Quebec side yesterday morning, a QPP officer kindly told me that I must now remove my ear buds, law is now in effect. I was advised they will crack down on it after a short education grace period.
The police in Montreal are out ticketing cyclists who don’t have reflectors/tape on their bikes. Recently, one cyclist in Montreal racked up 381 dollars in fines for missing reflectors (and a faulty brake).

National Capital Region
You might think: O, I rarely go there. But especially for Ottawa cyclists, this is a bit of a trap. The Quebec region near Ottawa is so much part of the National Capital Region that we tend to forget there are different laws across the river. Many of us cross the river for a ride to Aylmer, Gatineau Park or Jacques Cartier Park and beyond. Even a bike ride on the new paved trail at Gracefield might get you in trouble if you don’t have that reflective band around your ankles…

Attention commuters
And think of all the commuters who bike from Ottawa to say Place du Portage. When I posted the link on Facebook ten days ago, there was genuine concern, some tongue in cheek advice, ridicule and of course angry white man trolling that “95% of the cyclists break all the rules all the time” (and they should also pay for their own bicycle paths). Personally, I am not sure that reflectors are very effective; they are often tiny. I do like the reflective tires though, they make an incredible difference in the dark. I believe in the Netherlands, reflective tires are mandated.

Reflectors and reflective tape
I checked my own bike and I better get my act together: I only have reflectors on my pedals and nowhere else. (I do bring strong lights for evenings though). While you have to have front and rear reflectors (and lights front and back when it is dark) you can get away with reflective tape on your seat stays and front fork. Safer Roads Ottawa often hands out self adhesive reflective tape. They also hand out reflective bands to keep your pants away from the chain ring.

Do these reflector laws work?
Sadly, I think these laws have minimum impact: responsible cyclists are already aware they should be visible. I am not talking about hi viz safety vests here, but bike lights in the dark. I doubt very much reflectors during the day have an added safety benefit and in the evening, the law requires lights anyway. People who don’t look after their safety now probably won’t change their habits anyway, despite the new law.
Tip: download an light app on your phone. It might come in handy when you forget your lights: it might save you 80 dollars.
So what do I do?
The new law is all the more a reason to take a closer look to your bike. Summarized, this is what Quebec expects:
- Front white reflector
- One of the following visibility accessories on the front wheel:
- an amber or white reflector attached to the spokes and visible on both sides of the bicycle
- a tire with reflective sidewalls
- a rim with a continuous reflective strip around the entire circumference of the wheel on both sides
If there are no reflectors on the front wheel, you must attach an amber or white reflective strip on each side of the fork
- Rear red reflector
- One of the following visibility accessories on the rear wheel:
- a red or white reflector attached to the spokes and visible on both sides of the bicycle
- a tire with reflective sidewalls
- a rim with a continuous reflective strip around the entire circumference of the wheel on both sides
If there are no reflectors on the rear wheel, you must attach a red or white reflective strip on each seat stay.
- Amber or white reflectors on each pedal. If the pedals are not equipped with such reflectors, the cyclist must wear a reflective band around each ankle or shoes with reflective strips
Remember too, that:
- Cycling with earphones or headphones is not allowed; ( sometimes I use them for spoken turn by turn directions in Komoot)
- A group can consists of maximum 15 people and you have to cycle single file by law. No cycling and socialising in Quebec at the same time!
It appears that the laws have been designed with the more sporty cyclists in mind, considering the fact that initially they hadn’t thought of people who are not wearing reflective materials on their shoes. I am guessing they never thought of panniers either, as they partly cover seat stays. But, the law doesn’t differentiate between different types of cyclists, so you better follow the rules. 80 dollars buys you a lot of gelato back in Ottawa.
For details on the law go here

Good news
There is good news too though (a selection):
- Cyclists are no longer required to signal their intentions to slow down or stop. However, they must continue to signal their intentions to turn, but they are no longer required to do so if it endangers their safety. (Read: hands on the bars override signalling if the situation requires it)
- This is interesting: When encountering a red light and an activated pedestrian light, cyclists are allowed to continue on their way. In this case, they must stop, give priority to pedestrians and proceed at a reasonable and prudent speed. (coming, oddly, in to force May 18, 2019 (which I think is a typo as all other ones come into force in 2018)
- Also, demerit points no longer apply to cyclists.
- A municipality may, by means of signage, allow cyclists to ride on the sidewalk. In this case, they must then proceed at a reasonable and prudent speed, and give priority to pedestrians.
- Drivers of road vehicles must slow down and respect a safe distance when passing a cyclist. This distance is 1.5 m on roads where the limit is more than 50 km/h and 1 m on roads where the limit is 50 km/h or less.
For details on the new law go here
There are changes for drivers too: the season for winter tires is extended, penaties on using handheld devices when driving are stiffer etc. Read more on this page
Here is the full text of Bill 165: an Act to amend the Highway Safety Code and other provisions.
Note: I have summarized the rules here, you need to check the law yourself to be sure you meet the requirements.
Offences: fines
Failing to stop at a red light or stop sign: $80 to $100
Turning right at a red light where prohibited by a sign: $80 to $100
Failing to yield the right of way at an intersection to users who have priority: $80 to $100
Riding with earphones or headphones: $30 to $60
Failing to signal one’s intentions: $80 to $100
Riding two on a bicycle without a fixed seat for that purpose: $80 to $100
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Interesting bit on the new law in QC allowing proceeding thru a red light as this may be a first in Canada although becoming more common in U.S.:
“Commonly known as the Idaho stop, cyclists are allowed to treat stop signs as yield signs, and stop lights as stop signs. Since Idaho passed these laws, bicycle-related accidents have shown a measurable decrease.
The benefit of the Idaho stop is a good idea because:
* a cyclist has greater visible than a driver, and if they approach an intersection at a moderate speed, they can check for cross traffic as well as a car can
* cyclists can stop and/or turn to avoid unseen obstacles a lot more quickly than a car, and can find safety in places a car can’t go
* a bicycle is least maneuverable and least able to avoid an accident when it is starting from a dead stop
* many lights have sensors bicycles (and motorcycles) are unable to activate
For this reason, many cyclists find it safer to operate under Idaho stop rules, even when their jurisdiction doesn’t allow it.
That’s not to say there aren’t maniacs out there who disregard their safety and the safety of others, but don’t assume all cycles who run signs are doing it for bad reasons.”
The practical effect of the law, and the notable cases where cyclists have received separate tickets for each missing reflector, is to keep Vermont cyclists from riding north of the border. I wonder how many Quebec daytime-only cyclists have given up because of a silly law that puts them at fear of getting a ticket for violating a law that does them no good. I know that it’s created the tipping point at which many road cyclists on performance bikes are simply staying south of the border and that’s not a good thing, economically.
Indeed. I think they are going a bit over board. Personally I really like the reflective tires (although the material wears off a bit) and proper front and rear lights at night. Not sure if reflective pedals and strips make a big difference. But I guess if you cycle on very special tires you are out of luck.
this is old but I have to add that reflectors on your pedals are the MOST visibility increasing thing you can add to your bike that is not powered. Used properly, with the rear of your pedals bobbing up and down, ANY car approaching from behind at night will illuminate these bobbing reflectors. The most uncontrollable danger at night is a car coming up at speed behind you and not seeing you. Even a red light can be mistaken for something else in poor visibility, but the motion of your pedals going up and down doesn’t fade into the glare of other shiny objects or background smears of light. Even better, if you make an effort to slightly tip your feet forward and back to make sure the reflectors get a good angle to show themselves to any driver coming from behind you. this is especially useful if you ever have your rear light cut out or fail while night riding, and a good practice always.
Stephan that claim makes no sense. Unlike the USA, infractions in Canada are NOT forcibly collected on the spot so it would be much easier for a US citizen to skip out on a ticket than a Canadian citizen.
The new rates and enforcement are just another cash grab by the government and the people most affected live right in Canada. It’s not about safety. There’s nothing more useless than reflectors in the middle of the day and in Canada during the summer there is easily daylight from 6:30 am till after 7:00pm.
There is a formatting problem with the final table, Offences: fines. The rightmost column Penalties is cropped by the fixed width layout / theme of you site no matter what zoom level. Same in both Chrome and Edge.
Thx for this, I will modify it, perhaps without a table.
I only ride during daylight hours. Am I still required to have these six reflectors?
From what I understand, you have to have the reflectors on at all times. If you want to be sure, check the link to the Quebec Highway Code on the blog post.
Yes every single cars have the required reflectors. Reflectors are mandatory at all times if you get cough in a storm or your ride take longer than expected and the sundown is getting close… it’s the bare minimum to stay alive. Especially that now even completely aero option are possible (with reflective tape for almost all reflectors except the front and rear ones). The law used to be dumb and not take into account the reality of a road bike clip pedals carbon wheels etc.. not it’s totally reasonable.. I even made a triathlon bike road legal took a few well placed tie-wrap and it was possible to make it look good too.
Also for trailers:
“A bicycle trailer must be equipped with two red reflectors at the rear, as far apart as practicable, or a red reflective strip placed as close to horizontal as possible across the width of the trailer.”