Hayley Richardson – Telling Bicycle Stories

Hayley Richardson will be in Ottawa on November 1, 2011 At CfSc AGM
Reading Time: 4 minutes

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On November 1, Citizens for Safe Cycling will hold its Annual General Meeting, with a speaker from the City of Bellevue, Washington (near Seattle), and updates from the local bicycle community.

The first half of the evening, which will include booths from local organizations, speakers, and refreshments, is free and open to all. You can expect booths from Ecology Ottawa, Envirocentre, Bicycles for Humanity, Hintonberg Cycling Champions and Right Bike (the purple bikes rental concept that will start in Westboro-Wellington West next spring), HPVOO (Human Powered Vehicles), OK Bicycle Tours and the Othesha project. This is a great opportunity to mingle with other cycling enthusiasts from Ottawa.

About the key note speaker: Hayley Richardson

Hayley is the outreach coordinator for the city of Bellevue’s (near Seattle) transportation demand management (TDM) program. She will talk about cycling and social media. Social media such as Blogging, Twittering, Facebook, Google + and YouTube combined with hardware such as smartphones have rapidly changed the world around us. How can we use these new technologies to the advantage of promoting cycling?

Hayley selling ice cream from a Dutch cargo bike

She will share stories with us about how she is using social media to generate interest in cycling activities and community participation.

Hayley has been a successful community organizer around bicycling/alternative transportation for the past four years. Says Hayley: “I work for the City of Bellevue in Washington State, a city whose built environment is decidedly un-bicycle friendly.” She has spent the last year bringing issues of active transportation to the fore by organizing a first-ever series of bike month activities, fashion photo shoots featuring cyclists, group rides, running a bike parking facility, building a robust social media presence and organizing bike and pedestrian counts.

A kids ride in Hintonburg, Ottawa this spring

Previously, she lived in Atlanta, also a city notoriously built solely for cars, according to Hayley. “There”, says Hayley, ”I worked with the wonderful Atlanta Bicycle Coalition to co-found the inaugural Atlanta Streets Alive!program, a Ciclovia-style car free event that has become a regularly occurring event for the City.” She also founded the Atlanta Street Food Coalition,which successfully lobbied to change restrictive vending ordinances in Atlanta. During this time, she was a street vendor herself, selling ice cream sandwiches from a Dutch tricycle! Hayley has much experience with public speaking, as both of these positions required her to appear before neighbourhood groups, the media, and the City Council.

Other Speakers

The AGM will also feature presentations by:

– Colin Simpson (City of Ottawa) with updates on the City’s many cycling and pedestrian initiatives

Charles Akben-Marchand  (Rescue Bronson), with an update on efforts to put Bronson Ave on a road diet.

The Details

Date: Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Time: Sandwiches, salads and drinks (until supplies last, donations to help pay for the catering by Krackers Katering –a social enterprise– very much appreciated) and socializing at 6 p.m., speakers at 7 p.m., Annual General Meeting starts at 8:15 p.m.

Location: Tom Brown Arena, 141 Bayview Road (at Scott Street), Ottawa

Cycling connections:

Rain shouldn't deter you from coming to the presentation...

East-West: via Gladstone or Scott.

West: Armstrong or Wellington West.

South: Either Holland and then Armstrong, or Preston and then Gladstone/Bayview.

Paths: If you take the mixed-use paths along the Ottawa River, get off at Slidell Street (Lemieux Island) and go south on Slidell and via the traffic circle to Bayview and Scott.

Construction warning: Remember that Somerset West from Booth to Breezehill, including the Preston intersection, is still likely to be under construction (we will monitor & update).

Transit connections:

a short walk from the Bayview Transitway and O-Train Station, or use routes 2 on Somerset/Wellington or 16 on Scott. You can take your bike on the O-Train. Bike racks may be available on some buses.

2011 Annual General Meeting

At the AGM, CfSC elects its board members, discusses the results of the last twelve months, and sets its direction for the next year.

Only members may vote or speak at the AGM, and only those who have been members for 30 days may vote for the board. You can join at the AGM, or in advance. See how to join at https://www.safecycling.ca/participate/join-cfsc/why-join-cfsc-.

Any member may run for the board. E-mail nominations2011@safecycling.ca

Non-members are welcome to stay and listen during the AGM.

CfSC and Social Media

Of course, CfSC is active in social media, albeit in moderation. CfSC usually posts the odd own picture, shares local cycling info, announces new cycling deveopments in Ottawa, but refrains from reposting other material. CfSC has no staff, and is completely run by a board of volunteers, who have mostly full time jobs (and other hobbies).

Facebook: www.facebook.com/safecycling

Twitter: CfSC_Ott          The hash tag for the evening is #ottbike11

Poster of the event:

2011 10 14 Telling Bicycle Stories – Hayley Richardson – november 1 2011 (Download in PDF)

Webpage of the event:


QR code to the web site of CfSC, just for the fun of it:

Use your cell phone to scan the code which brings you to the CfSC website

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