When and which NCC Parkways are open for active transportation only in 2024?

A picture of avid cyclists in a park like setting. with super imposed text when the parkways are open
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The NCC just updated all the Weekend Bike Days on their Parkways for 2024. There are once again slight differences.

Kichi Zībī Mīkan

The good news is that the Kichi Zībī Mīkan opens the entire day until 4 in the afternoon, rather than noon, so you can now sleep in. However, it can be hot later in the day so remember to bring water, which I am still not used to after 26 years in Canada.

Queen Elizabeth Driveway

The Queen Elizabeth Driveway closes for motorised vehicles between 8 and 8 on weekends and holiday Mondays between Somerset and 5th Ave, and closes 24 hours a day every day between July 1 and September 2 for motorised traffic 24 hours a day. See schedule below.

Eastern Parkway (SGEC)

There are no changes for the Eastern Parkway

Gatineau Park

Note that you can always bike in the park when it is open to motorised traffic (a bike is a private vehicle after all too); the table below only refers to exclusive access for active transportation.

You will be sharing the road in the Park with

Shuttle buses: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fr (from 9:30 – 14:00) and Sat, Sun (from 9:00 – 18:00)

Cars: Wed (8 am – dusk) and Sat, Sun (noon – dusk)

Best time to go to Gatineau Park

It looks like the best time to bike in Gatineau Park are weekdays (except Wednesday) before 9:30 am or after 2 pm and weekends before 9 am. If I was a retired avid cyclist I’d stay away in the weekends.


Also be aware that during certain event nights, the opening times for the Ottawa Parkways might change so that avid drivers can get to the parking garage at Lansdowne.

Here is the schedule

I should mention again you can obviously always cycle in Gatineau Park both on the road and on the pathways as long as the parkway is not closed.

Sources from these 3 different NCC web pages:

NCC Weekend Bikedays – National Capital Commission (ncc-ccn.gc.ca)

Queen Elizabeth Driveway Active Use Program – National Capital Commission (ncc-ccn.gc.ca)

Gatineau Park Parkways Schedule – National Capital Commission (ncc-ccn.gc.ca)

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  1. Spring into Active Parkways 2024 - Hans on the Bike
  2. When and where are the NCC bike days 2023 in Ottawa?

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