Google capture of the current intersection at Bronson and University.

A bad design for a bad intersection

April 22, 2020 Hansonthebike 3

Reading Time: 3 minutesNew Hans Post: Bad design for a bad intersection. Carleton U is getting an extra left turning lane onto Bronson NB. The plan is to add green paint to bike wash the intersection. It is not a good idea.

How Bad Rules Affect Our Road to Vision Zero

April 14, 2020 Hansonthebike 0

Reading Time: 10 minutesCarling Ave at Burke St is a very dangerous crossing in the @NCC_CCN #ottbike and #ottwalk pathway system. Despite several advocacy attempts, someone likely has to die on this #ottcity road before things will change….

Brookfield pathway new important network connection

November 27, 2019 Hansonthebike 2

Reading Time: 3 minutesI wrote about plans for a MUP on Brookfield before and two weeks ago the asphalt was finally brought in. The path runs along a four lane road where cycling was doable but not great. The Brookfield MUP connects to the Sawmill Creek pathway and Mooney’s Bay LRT station on Heron at the eastend. At the west end it connects to the NCC path that runs along the road that leads to Hog’s Back Falls, aptly called Hog’s Back Rd. From there you can connect to the canal pathway on the east side along Colonel By or head further west. [Read more…]

Portage Bridge make over

October 23, 2019 Hansonthebike 2

Reading Time: 4 minutesSince late summer, The Portage bridge over the Ottawa river has a 3 ft barrier that protects cyclists better from on coming motor traffic. A great improvement over the old situation. Read more….(with constuction photos)

Group of cyclists at Lansdowne Park

Cycling with Professor Buehler

October 3, 2019 Hansonthebike 4

Reading Time: 7 minutesRecently Professor Ralph Buehler from Washington visited Ottawa. We took him on a cycling infrastructure tour through the centre of the city. Read what we saw in this blog post.