Rain water management in western Netherlands is vital.

Rain sensors to adjust bike signals before it rains

March 28, 2017 Hansonthebike 0

Reading Time: 2 minutesAlthough it doesn’t rain that often when I want to bike, I do try to plan around a rain shower if possible when there is even a threat of rain. One of my best sources is the weather radar at the Environment Canada website. By estimating the speed of the incoming rain from the 7 images displayed, I can usually work around getting soaked. Rain sensors in the Netherlands are going to help getting you home dry. Rain sensors installed Netherlands’ cities installed rain sensors already a few years ago. When they detect rain, the computer adjusts traffic signals in [Read more…]

A Closer Look at the Bronson Improvements

September 20, 2016 Hansonthebike 4

Reading Time: 5 minutesThe city got a lot of flak for the Booth Bridge Boondoggle and rightly so, as the design goes against all the modern road design principles. Big intersections, 4 lanes, no bike infrastructure, despite the connection to Quebec, the Zibi developments, the future Senators stadium and the Ottawa river pathways, even though there have been dire warnings from different sides years (!) before it was built. Once the opening came closer, the general public woke up and started to ask questions. The city scrambled a team together and a temporary provision for cycling was made. All you can do is roll [Read more…]

Brookfield Path Connection Open Again

September 15, 2015 Hansonthebike 2

Reading Time: 3 minutesIt took forever, but finally the connection between the two Brookfield Roads is open again. The Sawmill Creek corridor, that cuts through Brookfield, is host to the Transitway, the Airport Parkway, the O-Train (now Trillium line) and a bit of railway tracks. In the past we’d cross the corridor on our bikes, going underneath the Transitway and then crossing the Trillium Line at grade. But since the the frequency of the trains on this line have increased, the city no longer deemed it safe for cyclists and pedestrians to cross (let alone the fact you’d have to wait more often for all [Read more…]

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Is Parkdale's Median Curb Cut Sufficient?

June 15, 2015 Hansonthebike 0

Reading Time: 4 minutesAs it was finished late last year, this bit of bike infrastructure dropped off the radar screen somewhat. At the very north end of Parkdale, it is a bit of a pain in the neck to get to the Ottawa River Pathway/Trans Canada Trail. The northbound stretch on the east end of the Tunney’s Pasture buildings is usually OK to cycle ( I am never there during rush hour though), but then you get this onramp after the Indonesian Embassy to the SJAM Parkway eastbound (towards Downtown and Gatineau) and the off ramp coming from the parkway. This whole area is clearly [Read more…]