How to Measure Drivers’ Speed Without Tools
Reading Time: 2 minutesDo you find yourself wondering how fast traffic moves through your neighbourhood? Here is a simple method to roughly calculate just that.
Reading Time: 2 minutesDo you find yourself wondering how fast traffic moves through your neighbourhood? Here is a simple method to roughly calculate just that.
Reading Time: 8 minutesA large piece of new active transportation infrastructure finally opened yesterday. Here is all the background you want to read about the historic Prince of Wales bridge, now the Chief William Commanda bridge, connecting Ottawa with Gatineau and an easier gateway to Gatineau Park.
Reading Time: 5 minutesThe city of Ottawa is planning to widen the Airport Parkway with money from Developer Charges. Not so fast. There is quite a bit of concern about widening a road next to an already money losing Light Rail. Is there an alternative?
Reading Time: 2 minutesREcenlty I was driving and cycling in the Netherlands and I noticed a very cool and cheap safety solution: cat eyes in the road
Reading Time: 4 minutesA bidirectional bike lane on Colonel By at Wellington St would be a welcome solution to an annoying missing cycling link. It is only 200 meters and it should be easy to implement.
Reading Time: 4 minutesI saw an interesting road modification on T-intersections in the Netherlands to slow traffic down. It looks simple to implement, there is no need for signs and it doesn’t appear to cost much.
Reading Time: 4 minutesGatineau, across the river, scores high in the 2022 @PeopleforBikes city ratings. But look what happens if Gatineau and Ottawa are seen as a one National Capital Region, as the locals do: It has a similar rating as Vancouver, based on available data.
Reading Time: 8 minutesIt is very disappointing to see that the City of Ottawa ignores the most important desire line at Algonquin Station, used tens of thousands of times each year by residents avoiding Baseline Rd.
Reading Time: 6 minutesLast fall, Woodroffe Ave in Ottawa got a 700 meter MUP on the west side, between Norice and (roughly) Baseline Station. But will it remain open? I am not so sure…
Reading Time: 5 minutesThe Netherlands needs to be really smart with its space. Many villages have grown and added many homes around the old core. Here are some examples of urban densification.
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