A Casual Stroll Through The Hague – Part 2: A Very Blue Bike

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I randomly took a really great picture of a mother on a bakfiets (cargo bike) with three kids after asking permission. Unfortunately, she doesn’t want me to put it on the Internet, which I respect, so you have to come to one of my presentations some day. I did show the pic to a friend of mine, and the woman turns out to be one of her former colleagues; that’s how small Holland is. Here is part two of The Hague:

I didn’t think you could paint a bike that blue. Noticed lots of abandoned bikes, with flat tires. Painful to see them sitting there unused while I want one of those Dutch bikes so badly for Ottawa.
This is a really nice solution to keep bikes rolling, instead of letting them wait unnecessary (not that they would wait anyway). The bike lane is designed to by pass the traffic light. I can think of situations in Ottawa where this would work just fine. Another example of creative thinking instead of referring to some code or law as a reason that something ‘can’t be done’.
Everything is used to hook bikes up to. However, lots of bikes are not hooked up to anything. A 5 year old girl politely asked me:” Sir, are you looking for something?” I have not been arrested for lurking yet.
Wednesday morning bike rush hour at Scheveningseweg.
Scheveningsweg at Scheveningse Bosjes: A foot path, a bike lane, a car lane and a street car track going each way. Lush, lush, lush anyway.
I could have shot a thousand pictures like this one today in Den Haag (The Hague)

Go to the next page in the series of strolls through The Hague: Part Three: Urban Chickens

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1 Comment

  1. Grab two of those abandonned dutch bikes for me too ! I note that the cycling bypass at the intersection was a T-shaped intersection, so cyclists were not interacting with cars going straight or turning onto the street. It does leave crossing peds and cyclists to clash though. While I like to think most cyclists and peds could cope, alas, we seem plagued by agressive people in both camps who would look upon this intersection as a chance to establish their superior rights and priority.

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  1. A Casual Stroll Through The Hague (Den Haag) – Part I Daddy Bike « Urban Commuter – Ottawa's Bike Blog

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